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How Can I Go Green?

Going Green

Being green doesn’t have to involve a total renovation of your life.  It can be implemented in degrees which can be big or small. It can be as simple as committing to a few actions that you choose to do on a consistent basis.  Listed below are some easy ways to create a “greener” lifestyle.

17 Simple Changes To Be More Green:

  1. Buy in bulk/buy items with less packaging - This reduces trash and saves money.
  2. Say No to Plastic water Bottles - Invest in a quality water filter and a reusable water bottle. Plastic is created from oil which is a natural resource in limited supply.  Plastic also breaks down into microplastics which end up in the environment.
  3. Use reusable grocery store bags
  4. Buy Local This reduces transportation and supports local economies. The food will be fresher, tastier, more sustainable, and way more nutritious.
  5. Avoid Single-Use Plastics like plastic cutlery, straws and cups - Invest in a reusable water bottle and straw.
  6. Repair instead of replace
  7. Green Up Your Closet - Buy sustainable clothing brands or shop at the local thrift/consignment shops.
  8. Plan Your Meals - Streamline your grocery trips, trim food costs, and reduce waste by ensuring you'll use everything you purchase.
  9. Compost Food Scraps - This helps shrink landfills and reduces methane production.
  10. Think before you buy Say no to trends and “fad” items.
  11. Give Ugly Veggies and Dented Cans a Chance
  12. Reuse Old Clothes Old clothes can be repurposed to make rags, quilts, grocery store bags, etc… or they can be donated to thrift stores if they are in good shape.
  13. Replace Your Soap Bottles With Bars
  14. Make Your Own Cleaning Products Reduces chemicals entering the environment.
  15. Check the Air Filter in Your Car - Dirty air filters can reduce your vehicle's fuel efficiency.
  16. Walk, use public transporation, carpool and combine trips Reduces emissions and dependance on fossil fuels.
  17. Switch to Digital Documents - Save a tree.


Living a Trash-free Lifestyle

zero waste

Living a trash-free life is almost impossible in a world centered around convenience and speed, but there are choices that you can make which will reduce your impact on this earth.  A large majority of the waste that we create, ends up in landfills.  One of the challenges we are facing now is that these landfills take up large amounts of space, and they are filling up rapidly.   Here are some simple ways that each of us can reduce the amount of trash going to the landfill. 




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Other Ways to Help